Silent Chaos
Silent Chaos
Silence is the loudest thing I hear,
It screams at me, yells at me
But to no avail
I search for words within myself,
words that would wake me up
from this hazy dream
And let me see a clear picture
where the memories aren't foggy
and smiles persist despite boundless strains
But all of this is useless
Cause all I hear is silence at its peak
Cause all I see is a sailing boat of lost memories
And somewhere between all of these
I still yearn for a glimpse
A glimpse of myself that I lost
Not to myself, but to my soul
like a warrior after a lost battle
Cannot convince myself anymore
Saying it was just a battle not the war
Cause I don't have it in me to fight anymore
Feels like I am the only one frozen in time
waiting for someone to unpause me again
and let me be free,
free from chains and limits
free from boundaries and mysteries
Because it hurts to remain silent anymore.
Because it hurts to remain silent anymore.
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