Bloody "RED"

             Red Color

The world may be dull without the color red,
I hate it because it is the color every month I shade 
Red may suit the best in me,
But it is limiting me from being free
Those five days I hate them the most
I can't skip those cramps at any cost

You cannot even imagine how it feels to be a girl
Like the world snatched your way to your dreams and gave you some way of curls
I want to scream and I want to cry
Backache is so painful that to smile you can't even try

The stomach ache makes me almost dead
Why just to bear these pains girls are made?
Why just to bear these pains girls are made?

I hate red rose and I hate red gown
The bloody red blood has always put all girls down
I wish to remove the red from the whole world
But six-colored rainbow sounds so dull


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